“4 na 5,” a talented music group known for their catchy tunes, released a sensational jam titled “Nalitumpa Ine” featuring the legendary Slapdee, the king of Lusaka‘s music scene. This collaboration seamlessly blends their unique styles, delivering a track that’s both captivating and melodious. “Nalitumpa Ine” showcases the group’s lyrical prowess and Slapdee’s signature flair, making it a must-listen for music enthusiasts. With its infectious rhythm and heartfelt lyrics, the song has quickly become a hit, resonating with fans across Zambia and beyond, solidifying 4 na 5’s and Slapdee’s positions as musical powerhouses in the region.
JaeyJamz.com is a vibrant online platform dedicated to promoting and sharing the rich musical culture of Zambia. This website serves as a hub for music enthusiasts, providing a convenient and accessible way to discover, stream, and download Zambian music. With a vast collection of songs from various genres, including Afrobeat, hip-hop, reggae, and traditional Zambian sounds, JaeyJamz.com caters to a diverse audience.